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Views: 764 |
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Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2015-08-30
Hacker v3.1 :: Cyber Warefare By: Chen Luu This is just a shorter version of the readme.html file. ==================== Thankyou for downloading Hacker v3.1. This game is freeware which means you can distribute the game to anyone as long as all the contents that came with this game stay intact and you don't make money off this without my permission. Whats New? -Better graphics/animations -More missions -Better gameplay -Been programmed better Im proud of all my Hacker games but im most proud of this one. It is probably the most stable out of the other 3. Probably because I didnt know jack about making games and programming skills werent the best when I made Hacker v1. Future? Im probably gonna stop it here. Maybe in the future sometime I will make a 4th Hacker. If I do, it would have to be pretty special because I think the idea of stealing, deleting files is wearing thin. Last Words Hope you have enjoyed and appreciate the hardwork I have put into Hacker v3.1. Making a game is hardwork and making the whole thing graphics, programming, gameplay. by yourself is extra hard. If you have already done so. Try Hacker v1, v2, v1.2 All are avaliable at my homepage http://xerver-killah.cjb.net They are all quite different to each other. So checkem out If you havent already done so. ==================== Shout Outz to Ki||ah Krew :::cash:::, senate92, autokilla, #/)ragon#, 4m3r1k1n Z3r0, JNB, S1NTHeT1|< logicport, |31/\/4rY and everyone who have enjoyed my Hacker games. ==================== Kontact: xerverkillah@iprimus.com.au Web: http://xerver-killah.cjb.net Copyright 2003 ?Hacker v3.1 Cyber Warefare . All Rights Reserved
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Views: 5597 |
Downloads: 250 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-12-05
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Views: 1098 |
Downloads: 178 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-12-05
PortSign is a virtual multiplayer world where hacking is no longer illegal.
Steal money, steal files, shut down or restart servers, exploit system administrators, build up your defenses, play at the casino, collect key codes to acquire more advanced tools, send and receive messages, join the community, chat, and much more.
PortSign allows you to compete online in a real-time ranking system to become the best hacker you can.
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Views: 14929 |
Downloads: 1180 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-05-17
Hacker 2005: The Broken Link 2.5
Delve deep into the underground world of a computer hacker
Working for a black agency, your mission is to steal money, files, and other valuable material from internet servers across the world.
A few years ago, Adam Mindlin had a vision. He saw a company based purely on profit... But it was more than that, much more. His idea was to create a global network of agents. These agents would stop at nothing to gain maximum profit in the minimum possible time.
Adam was quick to discover the Internet was more than vulnerable. He had found his path to success. Morality was of little concern to him, as for the past 8 years, Adam and his rapidly growing team of agents have been operating from the shadows.
One day you come across a public notice. Adam's agency, 'Mindlink' are looking for new agents. You are highly intriqued by this 'organization'... A decision has to be made. Will you join them?
Product home page: http://www.vicman.net/scripts/visit.php?id=28264 Download from http://www.hacker2005.com
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Views: 965 |
Downloads: 195 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-05-17
Delve deep into the underground world of a computer hacker Working for a black agency, your mission is to steal money, files, and other valuable material from internet servers across the world. A few years ago, Adam Mindlin had a vision. He saw a company based purely on profit... But it was more than that, much more. His idea was to create a global network of agents. These agents would stop at nothing to gain maximum profit in the minimum possible time. Adam was quick to discover the Internet was more than vulnerable. He had found his path to success. Morality was of little concern to him, as for the past 8 years, Adam and his rapidly growing team of agents have been operating from the shadows. One day you come across a public notice. Adam's agency, 'Mindlink' are looking for new agents. You are highly intriqued by this 'organization'... A decision has to be made. Will you join them?
Product home page: http://www.vicman.net/scripts/visit.php?id=25172 Download from http://www.hacktheuniverse.net
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Views: 915 |
Downloads: 180 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-05-17
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Views: 952 |
Downloads: 517 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-05-17

I have putted if on my sever,above link is download
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Views: 882 |
Downloads: 0 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-05-17
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Views: 1113 |
Downloads: 719 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-05-17
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Views: 781 |
Downloads: 146 |
Added by: 0or1 |
Date: 2010-05-13
小伙伴,本博客数据大部分来源于伟大的internet,包括工具具有攻击性,请慎重使用、遵守天朝法律:-),当然,除非你牛B,,,Good luck! hacker!